9/19 & 9/22- “Their number was out of service…”

So friday was not a very eventful day. All I did when I went in was discuss the details for the carnival event we are doing this wednesday and then I collected the boxes with the entry slips for the speaker giveaway. There only ended up being about 70 entries for the speaker drawing, even though someone put their name in a box literally over 20 times… so technically there were about 90 entries. That kid didn’t win by the way. I took out all of his entries but the one and he lost so hah!

Today I came in and picked the winner from the speaker contest and gave him the speakers. I have to admit I was really jealous hahah they are Jambox speakers… I want a set so bad! Anyway, after that I went around the Commons during the busiest period at lunch and took pictures at the stations to post on the Instagram account. People looked at me like I was crazy, they probably thought I was there to eat but was walking around randomly taking pictures.

Then I talked to Kasey about what we can do next week since we have some great prizes to still giveaway. We decided that I would run another social media giveaway week. The last one was focused on Instagram and ended up helping us gain almost 100 followers! This time we are focusing more on the campus dining Twitter account in hopes that the week of giveaways will help us boost our number of followers. So all of next week we will be giving away prizes through people who follow our Twitter account and interact with whatever that day’s giveaway is. To end the week, the winner for friday will win an Amazon Kindle. I’ll go into more detail about this in next week’s posts.

Finally, we talked about an upcoming event that I am pretty excited about. The Sabra Tour (yes, Sabra who makes amazing dips) is coming to our campus in October! So I was talking about the ideas I had for how we can promote it on social media, and as always, how we can squeeze in a giveaway!

The semester is still young and there is a lot to work on! I can’t wait to see what else I get to do with this internship!

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